With my brains and everyone else's information... I'll make as many people as possible look like complete morons!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Slightly Above Average

Are the MBP boys really only 6's or 6.5's like they claim? I think they are. A lot of people have made comments on their blog like, "How do you boys get so many girls if you're only 6's?"

My answer to that is simple. They're hilarious. How many of us girls have written out a list of qualities we want our future husband to have? I have. And guess what is #2 on my list. He must be FUNNY. I think most of us have "funny" or "witty" or "sense of humor" or "makes me laugh" somewhere on our list. If it's so important to us that we put it in our top 3, then why do so many girls doubt that Calvin and Jake can get so many girls because of their personalities?

I think they're average... like they claim. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Anonymous Commenter

When MBP posted the blog called "Red Day on the Calendar" about that photographer, Abbie Warnock, it made a lot of people really mad.

So mad in fact, that one anonymous commenter decided to make his own accusation through the comments.

This is what he said:

Anonymous said...

it will be impossible to stay anonymous. You've already shared way too much info.
I'm sure you are one of these guys or they would know
David Bruce, Brian Early, Jared Kinnard, Joseph Rowley, Michael Rushworth.
If I cared who you were I could look these guys up on facebook and figure it out.

Now, this commenter was SO convinced it was these guys, that he posted this same comment on, like, 10 different posts on the MBP blog.

None of them were deleted by MBP and I have to assume if this commenter was correct, that MBP would have deleted them as fast as they could.

I seem to remember someone making a comment about how they researched who came home from Ireland during the time frame that MBP had claimed. Then this commenter did quite a bit of research to figure out who they were... but now I can't find the comment. Dang... it was good, too.

So the bottom line is, the commenter is sure it's these guys, but I'm not convinced.

Back to square... two.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In Utah

I'm pretty sure they're in Utah and not anywhere else. Here's why. I was reading back through some old posts and comments and stuff and I found something. At the beginning of November, Jake did a post about what they did for Halloween and he said this:

"So then we ended up at this huge Party in Sugarhouse. Seriously, there were like 700 people there. The house was tiny so we just hung out on the lawn. It was so big that guys who were dressed up as cops for Halloween were out directing traffic. Then around midnight, the real cops showed up and that party got shutdown, too."

Then someone left a comment that said:

Danielle said...

My boyfriend and his friend were those crazy guys dressed up as cops directing traffic at the Sugarhouse party. HAHA!!!!

That means that Jake was telling the truth about the party they were at in Sugarhouse. Does that mean they live in Utah? Probably. But maybe Jake has a friend who lives in Utah who went to that party and he told his friends story as his own. Or maybe this Danielle girl is just a fake person that MBP created to vouch for their story.

Why do I think Danielle is fake? Because I just clicked on her name on her comment and it went to a profile for a girl named "Allie" who created her account in November. Well, the comment was made on November 2, 2009, which means Allie/Danielle created her account JUST TO MAKE THAT COMMENT.

Are you getting nervous, yet, MBP? I'm coming for you.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Ok. I've been following MBP on Twitter for a while. I wanted to keep an eye on any hints as to their identity.

I noticed someone named Soccerchik or something tell MBP that her friend was dating one of them. When MBP asked how she knew it was one of them, Soccerchik said something like, "Well, because you posted her text conversation word-for-word." Then MBP asked if Soccerchiks friend was in Idaho with her (soccerchick), but Soccerchik said, "No. She's in Provo."

So, if Soccerchik is right and her friend is telling the truth, then that means that MBP is telling the truth when they claim to be in Utah. Some people have guessed that MBP are really living in another state and are just pretending to be in Utah.

Anyone else have any clues that may prove that MBP are in Utah and not anywhere else?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Off...

For the record I like MBP. I like to read the blog and I think it's funny. I laugh alot. I like it so much, however, that I have this obsession with figuring out who they are. Some people might be mad that I'm trying to expose them cause their afraid they'll stop blogging. I don't think they'll stop blogging if people find out who they are. I think the blog will get better. And more exciting.

So after I started reading MBP a few months ago, I got caught up in the drama just like everyone else. So I started reading from the beginning. I got sucked in like crazy. For a little while I thought it was fake. I was, like, "No way 2 guys are blogging. Seriously." But the further I read the more I started to think they were real.

Then I started to see the comments. People started guessing who they were. Some people even started claiming they KNEW who they were cause of one or two things that they said.

I think that the MBP boys are smart. I think they change a lot of stuff so it doesn't look like it's them.

So I need your help. Help me put together educated guesses as to who they are. I don't want stuff like, "It's Matt and Trevor cause they're Mormon and single and funny." That's dumb. I want you to tell me WHY you think it's Matt and Trevor. Specifics. If we can work together to connect the dots, then we'll be able to figure out who these guys are.
