With my brains and everyone else's information... I'll make as many people as possible look like complete morons!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Slightly Above Average

Are the MBP boys really only 6's or 6.5's like they claim? I think they are. A lot of people have made comments on their blog like, "How do you boys get so many girls if you're only 6's?"

My answer to that is simple. They're hilarious. How many of us girls have written out a list of qualities we want our future husband to have? I have. And guess what is #2 on my list. He must be FUNNY. I think most of us have "funny" or "witty" or "sense of humor" or "makes me laugh" somewhere on our list. If it's so important to us that we put it in our top 3, then why do so many girls doubt that Calvin and Jake can get so many girls because of their personalities?

I think they're average... like they claim. What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you think the real Sanders ever found out about thier blog?!

  3. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that the reason you're trying to expose MBP is because you're a lesbian.

  4. I think that you might have gotten a little close because I noticed that shortly after you started this blog that MBP started moderating their comments.

    So, have you given up

  5. I think they are higher than where they rate themselves...personality can get you places, but not girls checking you out and giggling to their friends like Marie. She wasn't saying 'I bet that guy is really funny'.
